Monday, April 30, 2012

How to Take Better Photography

How many times have you taking a picture or just looking at a picture in general and you realize that the picture is dull or really bland? There are lots of amazing artists who’s pictures seem this way too me.                 For example the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo Da Vinci is an extraordinary painter to me. He is known as one of the greatest painters of his time and profoundly the best talented person to ever have lived. But in the case of the Mona Lisa, I don’t think so. The picture is face on and it seems like something you would see on Facebook as someone’s profile picture. It lacks so much. Here are some tips to make sure your picture isn’t like this!

Photo Courtesy of: . April 30, 2012 

Tips to better Photography:

 1) Move in close to your object: Having too much background in a photo takes away from the object. Make sure your object is seen clearly and the focus is on your object.
 2) Check your lighting: It’s always great to check your lighting. A great lighting produces a great photograph!
 3) Keep it simple: Sometimes just having a simple object and simple background makes a terrific photograph. By lighting I mean picture visibility, or resolution. Great Light = Great Pictures!
 4) Use different angles: Don’t always point the camera straight. Turn it upside down, point it low, Get up high, move your camera around
! 5) Practice makes Perfect: Before actually taking a actual photo, practice taking shots so you’ll have a good feel of your camera and the way it works.


  1. I really like your blog. It helps me a lot with my blogs. Thanks. :) Keep up the good work.

  2. This is a good blog, and since you're giving helpful tips I'll have to keep these in mind for the next time I'm taking a picture.

  3. I love photography and the way you describe it. There is a large gap in the top part of the post and in the bottom you tend to repeat words more than they should. Other than that good job.

  4. Good blog I love the way you described photography.

  5. These are great tips, but I need more instruction. What do you mean by the lighting? I'd love to have more examples of some of those steps.

  6. Thanks you guys! And Ms. Payseur,I went back and explained it more! Hope it helps.
